About Us

​​​​For more than 40 years OCIMA has provided education, housing, medical care and nutrition to many impoverished and oppressed people in Guatemala and Ecuador.

It is OCIMA’s mission to help improve the health, medical care and education of the poor, primarily in Guatemala and Ecuador. While we are providing support with food, shelter and medicines, education is key for both children and adults. It is our strong belief if we educate a child they can educate others in their community, empowering them so they can emerge from poverty and live with dignity.

All people are created equal, but all circumstances are not.  Together we can help end poverty so people can live with dignity.  In 40 years there is so much we have accomplished, but there is so much more we can do. Meet our tireless charity leaders, the current OCIMA Board of Directors and Endowment Fund Directors listed below.

Board of Directors


​​Marie Cardinale Curreri

Susan M. Hug

Larry Gatt


Marie Cardinale Curreri​

Patricia Egan-Myers

Larry Gatt

Susan M. Hug​

Carolyn M. Schenden

Kenneth J. Schenden
Financial Advisor