Overseas and Continental Independent Mercy Association

For less than a dollar a day

you can change the life of a child

What we do

For more than 40 years OCIMA has provided education, housing, medical care and nutritional support to many impoverished and oppressed people in Guatemala and Ecuador.


Santa Elena Medical Center

OCIMA provides the primary support for a small health clinic in Santa Elena in the department of Peten.

Santa Elena Orphanage

OCIMA supports an all-girl orphanage in Santa Elena, a village in north central Guatemala.

Santa Elena Food Program

Feeding the hungry in the rural areas in Guatemala, where malnutrition continues to be a reality of life.

​​​​All people are created equal, but all circumstances are not. 

Together we can help end poverty so people can live with dignity. 

It is OCIMA’s mission to help improve the health, medical care and education of the poor, primarily in Guatemala and Ecuador. While we are providing support with food, shelter and medicines, education is key for both children and adults. It is our strong belief if we educate a child they can educate others in their community, empowering them so they can emerge from poverty and live with dignity.

Our Founder

Fr. Nick Amico

His mantra to his students was “do something with your education to help those less fortunate”.  He followed his own advice, and in the early 1970’s, Father Nick contacted several Bishops around the world.

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Our News

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OCIMA: What’s in a Name?

OCIMA: What’s in a Name?

OCIMA is the Overseas & Continental Independent Mercy Association — a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Backwards, OCIMA is AMICO, which is the last name of the organization’s founder, Father Nick Amico. Amico also means “friend” in Italian.…

Santa Elena Medical Center

Santa Elena Medical Center

OCIMA provides the primary support for a small health clinic in Santa Elena in the department of Peten.  Santa Elena is a poor city, just a short walk across a causeway to its sister city…

Santa Elena Orphanage

Santa Elena Orphanage

OCIMA supports an all-girl orphanage in Santa Elena, a village in north central Guatemala. At any given time, there can be as many as 30 girls, primarily of Mayan descent, who live at the orphanage.…